Adult Pole Classes

Pole is a great way to ease back into a form of exercise that is low impact, engaging, and will progressively challenge you as you gain strength and body awareness. However, although pole is the most accessible apparatus/modality we offer, we offer classes from beginner-advanced.

Pole Studio Classes

  • Over the course of the six weeks you will learn the fundamentals of pole with other newbies. We highly recommend starting with a six week Intro to Pole if you can (we tend to take a little break over the summer months because of lake season and travel plans.) This intro course will help set you up to seamlessly transition into the beginner/advanced beginner/ or mixed levels classes. No upper body strength is required! Pole is the most accessible apparatus that we currently have for the studio and welcomes people of all ages (over 18, or 16 with parent approval). Our pole studio classes definitely have a more feminine vibe, so as long as you are interested in learning pole we are happy to have you!

    Link to Six Week Series Page

  • This class is for completely new to pole peeps. This is a fitness class that will incorporate conditioning using the pole, and will cover spins, transitions, holds, and sometimes spin pole. Although it is a fitness class, we also want students to start to feel the joy of putting things together, so we will sequence things together if there is time. No upper body strength or prior fitness experience necessary.

    Thursdays 6-7pm

  • This class will expand on the beginner pole curriculum and start to introduce one handed spins, split grip, bracket grip. We will continue to work on climbs and gain strength to work up to inverts. This class may cover: spins, more challenging spin transitions, more holds on the pole that require a solid crucifix and side sit.

  • This class is for all levels although completion of a six week intro to pole series/ 2-3 months of beginner pole is required.

    This class will cover a variety of skills from climbs, spins, inverts. Class content will be customized to the goals of class participants.

  • This class is for people who are comfortable inverting into their inside and outside leg hang, climbing/side climbing comfortably multiple times on each side, and who are very comfortable holding their sit for an extended period of time.

    This class may cover: more challenging spins and spin combos, spin pole, new mounts, holds, and challenging climbs.

  • On special occasions we have pop up Chair + Pole Dance Workshops. Unless otherwise noted these workshops are open to everyone, even those with no prior pole or chair experience.

    Learn a mini routine that incorporates the pole and chair for beginner level.

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  • For a drop in class or a series it is required to bring a pair of shorts. The stretchy kind are best but any short will work in a pinch. Socks are also helpful as they help us slide across the floor and pivot on our toes. In the winter we ask that everyone bring a pair of warmups like sweatpants and a sweater.

  • For a beginner drop in or for the intro to pole six week series you do not need to have any prior experience to join. These classes are designed for completely new beginners to join in and still have a great time. 

    For our Mixed Levels Classes it is recommended to have prior pole experience, but if you are feeling strong and flexible by all means you are welcome to join in on those classes. *They are not included in new student promos.

  • Shorts. Socks. And a positive attitude! We want to see you succeed and so ask that you please trust us with the tricks that we teach in class. We will never ask you to try something that is completely outside of your ability- it might just take a few tries first. However, if you have a previous injury or have a medical condition please let us know as soon as possible!

  • We do not offer refunds. Classes can be rescheduled up to 4 hours in advance. After the 4 hour mark we will not allow rescheduling and the class will be lost. This is to ensure that we have enough students to hold a class. If we do not meet the minimum amount of students we will cancel the class and the credit will be returned. 

  • We start you with where you are at and build up from there! Beginner pole is one of the most accessible classes that we have, where we start you with at least one foot on the ground and have plenty of transitions and spins that don’t require you to pick both feet up off the floor -yet. You’ll build strength and flexibility with time 💖

  • We require students to be at least 18 years of age to come to class. However, with parent’s permission we will allow students who are younger to attend: please email or call/text 701-203-3448.

  • We love that you are looking into this. To prepare! Look us up on Google and decide how long it is going to take you to arrive, and then add 5-10 minutes so that you can come early. We are located in the alley and although we haven’t had issues recently, we will be teaching right on time and will not have time to answer your phone call if you need to get a hold of us. Ideally, not wearing lotion or sunscreen will be very helpful or at the very least washing your hands when you arrive so that there aren’t any residual oils on your hands. If you are super slippery your first class it may be because of lotion/sunscreen. Other than that, you are welcome to bring your own yoga mat but we do have them here as well. For classes that need kneepads, we rent them for $5 for the use of class.

  • Progress varies for each individual based on factors like fitness level, prior experience, and how often you practice. Consistent attendance and practice will help you progress steadily. We see the most improvement from students who practice 2-3 times a week whether that is a mix of classes/open poles. We designed our six week series to have up to two practices a week for this reason in particular.

  • Yes, men are welcome to take pole classes. Our studio  is a very feminine space and also a very vulnerable space for students. As long as you are genuinely interested in learning pole for the art/fitness aspect itself then you are welcome to join 100%. As a heads up for people with external genitalia (sorry I don’t know how else to say it) we recommend investing in a dance belt (can be found at Applause in Moorhead) and wearing a loose short over compression shorts. There are also pole shorts made for male bodies like Dragonfly brand or Pole Junkie.

Class Policies

  1. Attire: For drop in pole classes we require shorts. The stretchy kind is best, but shorts of any kind will work. For aerial drop in classes we ask students to please cover the backs of their knees, lower back, and under the arms. Not required but it will make the class experience much more positive!

  2. Late Arrivals: If you arrive late due to life you are still welcome to join class, however we will not extend the class or move the class time due to tardiness. You will also be asked to warm yourself up.

  3. Severe weather: We will follow Fargo Public Schools for decisions on weather to cancel due to severe weather. If FPS cancels then we will cancel activities as well. You will receive a notification as well no later than 2pm.

  4. Refunds/Makeup Classes: Due to having limited spots and studio availability, we will not offer refunds or makeup classes for missed classes. You can reschedule on your account up to 4 hours before the start of class time. Less than 4 hour notice will result in loss of the class without refund or rescheduling. We require a 4 hour notice so that we can notify people early if we need to cancel the class.

  5. Class Minimum: We require three people to hold class! If there are not enough people we will send a message at least 4 hours in advance letting you know that the class is canceled.

  6. Sick/Recovering: Please stay home if you are sick! We still require a four hour notice, but we ask that you please send us a text if you aren’t feeling great. If you are coughing/ sneezing you’ll be asked to wear a mask for the duration of the class.

Contact Us.

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