Advanced Beginner Pole Class Prerequisites

We have changed things up at the studio a little bit! Classes used to be split into three categories: intro/beginner, mixed levels, and intermediate/advanced, but we have decided to add an advanced beginner class for those who have been coming consistently to beginner pole, but are not quite inverting yet. 

Advanced beginner class will cover: conditioning drills that will help us towards our inverts, climbing the pole, thigh rest hold, more challenging spins that require both feet off the ground and our split grip, and spin pole. That’s a lot! 

If you are curious as to whether or not the class would be a good fit, we’ve listed the prerequisites for class. Everything that we will be covering will stem from these skills below, so having them down will help you lots! 

Prerequisite video for Advanced Beginner Pole Class.

Advanced Pole Class Prerequisites:

Toe Taps:

Be able to complete the more difficult version of toe taps: one leg extends at a time.

Pole Ups:

Be able to lift both feet off the ground: even a little bit!

Split grip presses:

Be able to hold split grip strong enough to slide feet up. OR lift the feet off the ground at the same time.

Shoulder Forearm Stand:

Be able to kick up into a shoulder forearm stand and hold it long enough to go through each variation slowly. 

Knee Ups:

Be able to lift both knees off the ground.


Be comfortable getting chest to pole in scorpion and holding a crucifix long enough to let go of one hand and bring back to the pole.

Side Sit:

Be able to lift the standing foot and tap the back of the pole with it, with knees bent.


Be able to hold a sit (not slide down immediately).

Spins + transitions:

Must be familiar with fireman spin: two feet off the ground. Back Hook Spin. Extended Leg Spin. Pirouette to flip grip and Flying Fireman are also required.

Additionally, shorts are required for class.

Questions? Email us at or call us at 701-203-3448!


Youth Aerial Silks Level II Pre-requisites


Open Aerial/Pole Guide